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"Cute kitten roasting sweet potatoes" is a phrase that describes a cute kitten cooking or roasting sweet potatoes. It is not a common phrase in English and does not have a specific origin. However, it could be used in a humorous or playful way to describe a fictional or hypothetical situation where a kitten is cooking sweet potatoes.

Here are some example sentences using this phrase:

"I saw a cute kitten roasting sweet potatoes in the kitchen yesterday and it was the cutest thing ever!"
"I can't believe my kitten knows how to roast sweet potatoes. She's such a little chef!"
"I'm starving! I wish I had a cute kitten to roast some sweet potatoes for me."

In Chinese, "可爱猫咪烤地瓜" (kě'ài māomī kǎo dìguā) could be used to describe a cute kitten cooking or roasting sweet potatoes.