There could be a variety of reasons why cats might be inexpensive online. Here are a few possibilities:
The cat is being sold by a private individual rather than a breeder or pet store. These individuals may be more willing to sell their cats at a lower price.
The cat is an older or adult cat rather than a kitten. Kittens are often more expensive due to their popularity as pets.
The cat is a mixed breed rather than a purebred. Purebred cats can be more expensive due to the cost of breeding and maintaining a purebred line.
The cat is being sold from a region with a lower cost of living. The price of pets can vary based on location, and cats in some areas may be less expensive due to lower costs of production and overhead.
It's important to keep in mind that while the initial price of a cat may be lower online, there may be additional costs associated with purchasing a pet online, such as shipping fees or quarantine fees if the cat is being shipped internationally. It's also important to thoroughly research the seller and ensure that the cat is healthy and well-cared for before making a purchase.